
Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Zeolite vs. Bentonite Clay


I am not completely convinced of the safety of using a Zeolite internally for long-term use... But please let me put that in context:  Compared to the same use thereof of sodium Bentonites/Montmorillonites and Calcium Montmorillonite.
We can trust the true healing clays, because they are largely inert in the human body.  It is nearly impossible to get any significant amount of these clays past the liver.
While using natural Bentonites/Montmorillonites is in the realm of natural medicine, Zeolite falls into the realm of alternative medicine.
When animals need and seek out a clay mineral source, they do not go out and find a Zeolite, they go out and find a Smectite.
As an example, Nature's Body Beautiful's clay, a calcium sodium Bentonite (sharing properties of both), has a history of use by man dating over 10,000 years.
The studies done on Zeolite are very interesting.  However, when I viewed some of them, I noticed they performed poorly compared to Bentonite/ Montmorillonites.  For example, with animal studies, animals that are overweight due to toxicity should lose weight; healthy animals should gain muscle mass.
Detoxification internally by use of Bentonites is equally effective, without delivering a clay substance into the metabolism.
In fact, (thank you Thierry), French homeopaths documented that a system-wide detoxification effect occurs within seconds of placing Montmorillonite in the mouth, which demonstrates that the clay acts as a catalyst.
Reading the monograph on the above website, by an "authoritarian figure", I became irritated.  He states that the FDA considers Zeolite 100% safe.  This is not true.  Zeolite is on the FDA's GRAS list.  This means that [all of these clays] have been used prior to the foundation of the FDA, and the FDA currently has no reason to examine it AT ALL, because historically, it has been generally regarded as safe.  It DOES NOT mean that the FDA has determined that they are safe.
Claiming Zeolite may alkalize the body is another ludicrous statement...  In the monograph, we see that we cannot trust any of these scientists, as they apply good science out of context.  Of course, they could have tested their theory in about 72 hours of real testing, but of course they did not. Perhaps because they knew that taking a Zeolite supplement will not alkalize the soft tissues.
You'll see that at the bottom of their monograph:
Food additives and supplements in the U.S.A. are approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21. Zeolite (CFR Title 21 (182.2727)) and Sodium Magnesium or Aluminum Silicates under CFR Title 21 (182.2227) are listed as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe), and are permitted as food additives (supplements) without FDA approval. Furthermore, all ingredients (Zeolites) are found on the TSCA listing of GRAS chemicals used in every day commerce in the United States.
You'll see that the FDA has grouped these clays together.  The FDA leaves these substances alone because of the history of use **AND** because the FDA generally considers clays to be inert.  The minute a medical doctor files a complaint demonstrating that there are clay particles floating around in the blood stream, the FDA is going to step in and reclassify it.  Years and years ago, we predicted that this would happen with silver, as marketers kept touting "FDA approval".  Of course, it did happen.
With marketing like this, it's only a matter of time before the same occurs with Zeolite.... and due to the density of the FDA, perhaps ALL of the GRAS clays.
I once tried Zeolite internally, perhaps eight years ago.  I wasn't interested enough in the effects to pursue it further.
Campbell's caution is a valid one.  While the promoters point to studies done, I don't see one study that actually addresses Campbell's concerns.
To close, I doubt there is any real concern using a Zeolite in the suggested manner (which is in very small doses), even though there are unanswered questions.  Yes, clays are powerful forces for health.  However, I don't see anything to indicate that it is superior to healing clays.  In fact, Illite may achieve the same effects, and I like the Illite molecular configuration a lot better than the Zeolite one.
Of course, the RX people who are marketing the product chose something they could patent, and they shy away from comparisons with other, more traditional clays.

Written by - by Jason Eaton

1 komentar:

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